
101: Zero Tolerance OpEd Pieces

Page history last edited by George H. Williams 15 years, 5 months ago


First, read the following 2 OpEd pieces from GoUpstate.com:

"Zero tolerance: strict policy is necessary, misunderstood", by Thomas D. White, Jr. :: GoUpstate.com (19 July 2009)


"Zero tolerance: School-to-prison pipeline must end," by Victoria Middleton :: GoUpstate.com (19 July 2009)


Second, make up your mind about your answer to this question:


Which OpEd piece is more persuasive? Why?


Be prepared for a classroom discussion in which you support your answer by referring to specific parts of the OpEd pieces.

Comments (9)

Brandon Smith said

at 3:17 pm on Sep 7, 2009

The article written by Victoria Middleton (the second one) is a more persuasive peice. She uses a more specific approach and clear reasoning as to why there should be zero tollerance and is more relatable. She mentions parents and students and the situations they find themselves in. In the first one, the writer is too broad. He states only that there needs to be zero tollerance and that it should be enforced stronger than it has been. This is too general and it seems like he is only restating the problem and that teachers and faculty need to tighten up. He is too obvious and broad to be persuasive.

Whitney Seabrook said

at 10:08 pm on Sep 7, 2009

"Zero tolerance:School-to-prison pipeline must end" was a more persuasive article. Author Victoria Middleton expresses in her piece the effects that the strict policy has on the students and parents whereas the first article is focused on critisizing the students. Although both piece's point direction to the zero tolerance policy the second article gave reasoning and a sense of understanding for the students who have issues in the school system. The author states " To improve school discipline, we should create positive and supportive learning environments for students and teachers, and invest in classroom management training, conflict resolution, guidance counseling and mediation training".This is a fair statement in my opinion that shows alternative ways to improve the behavior ethic in the school systems instead of enforcing so many rules in order to discipline the students. This article was a far more persuasive in which she got her point across to the reader.

Kyle Glover said

at 12:12 am on Sep 8, 2009

The article "Zero tolerance: strict policy is necessary, misunderstood", illustrates my personal views on education. The needs of one student should never trump the needs of the collective whole as a class. In the average student classroom of twenty-four should never be jeopardized by the needs of one troubled teen. If the minority is taken out of the classroom and contained in an environment that is conducive to there personal needs, the benefits of the majority will be met.

Chloe' Thomas said

at 12:52 am on Sep 8, 2009

Victoria Middleton's piece on "Zero Tolerance" is more convincing than Thomas D. White Jr.'s. Thomas D. White Jr.'s article is drawn out in comparison to Victoria Middleton's. I found myself getting bored thinking, "What is his point?" Victoria, in her article, keeps it short, sweet, and to the point. Readers like that.

Janice Beckett said

at 1:14 am on Sep 8, 2009

The article written by Victoria Middleton, "Zero Tolerance" is more persuasive because its gives more examples about zero tolerance policy whereas the first ariticle just tells what is negative about it. Author Victoria Middleton also gives facts such as across the state of South Carolina, slamming lockers can result in referrals. This author knows exactly what she wants in a school system and what it needs. This article is the more persuasive than the other because she very clearly got her point across to the reader than the other.

Paulisha Gilmore said

at 2:31 am on Sep 8, 2009

The article "Zero Tolerance: School-to-prison pipeline" is the more persuasive article. You have to understand that everybody is not the same. You can't treat them all the same. In the article Vicrtoria Middleton makes a comment about what should be done to to improve things like this. Those comments are the things people want to hear. They dont want to hear negative all the time. They want to hear that you are trying to help their child not just sending them to jail an not thinking anymore of it.

Ashley McFadden said

at 6:58 am on Sep 8, 2009

Victoria Middleton's article is more persuasive by the style she uses for her article. Her piece is an argumentative argument, drawing her readers from beginning to end. Not only does she use facts to support her opinion, but she also has counter-arguments with those who disagree with her. In the first article, Mr. White strictly states his opinion and the purposes of programs that might be beneficial to families who have "troubled kids." His writing is affective and considerate to readers who probably don't have children that get in trouble and are living in the "American's Dream household." Sure listing the many purposes of the programs are good to know, but does each program actually do what their decribition says? People who read Middleton's article will be drawn in some kind of way and probably think more about this problem affecting our youth, rather than the article Mr. White puts out.

Ashley Green said

at 7:26 am on Sep 8, 2009

Victoria Middleton's article on "Zero Tolerance" is a more persuasive article. This aticle states specific facts and it is very debatable. Although, both articles are give insight on Zero Tolerance the second was more convincing because it gets the point across in a way in which both adults and students could relate and understand.

Cameron Helms said

at 1:01 pm on Sep 8, 2009

Victoria Middleton's aritcle is more persuasive. She uses facts to support what she is saying unlike Thomas White. The facts that she uses come from highly regarded people such as the American Bar Association. She also appealed to parents and students emotions when talking about the special needs students, because they can't even help what they are doing and still get punished. Parents will side more with Victoria Middleton because parents don't want to see their students go to jail for something as small as a food fight.

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