250– 300 words
Follow the standard formatting rules.
You will summarize the selected essay, accurately condensing the central points and ideas of the essay in your own words. You will focus on representing what is said in the article, not how it is said, in this case. In this summary (and in all the summaries we will write in this unit of study), you must incorporate one quotation in correct MLA style. There is no need for a Works Cited page with this assigmment.
The successful summary will satisfy the criteria represented in the checklist below.
Checklist for Evaluating Summaries
Adapted from Reading Rhetorically: A Reader for Writers, 2nd ed. (Eds. John C. Bean, Virginia A, Chappell, and Alice M. Gillam. New York: Longman, 2005. 60.) and They Say/I Say (Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. New York: Norton, 2006. 35-36.).
Is the summary accurate?
Does the summary reflect the levels of generality in the original text?
Does the summary reflect the proportionate coverage given various points in the original text?
Are the original author’s ideas expressed in the summary writer’s own words?
Does the summary use vivid and precise signal phrases (such as “Jones insists…”) to remind readers whose ideas are being presented and to represent those ideas accurately?
Is the summary neutral in its presentation of the original author’s ideas, omitting the summary writer’s own opinions, attitudes, biases, etc.?
Is the summary economical?
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